
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Assessment Learning Log

This past week the main focus was on assessment. Before we came in class we had to do a web quest on Assessment. With in the web Quest we had to learn particulars about four types of research. The first type was Descriptive (which describes a situation with in the research), the second was Correlational (which was a type of Descriptive research that looked at the relationships with in the research), the second was Experimental (which is when you manipulate or change part of the environment in order to achieve different affects), and last was Action (which is a part of Experimental research that deals with changing something with in your school or classroom). Then in class we talked about RSVP; i.e. Reliability, Standardization, Validity, and Practicality, and how it is important to balance your test with RSVP. We also discussed the importance of having different types of assessment to reach the different types of learners in your classroom.

So What
Although this type of research has been around for a while teachers continue to teach and test in ways that are unbalanced or biased. For instance take a paper and pen test it only reaches 2 maybe 3 of the different types of learners and they tend to lean more heavily on the practical side for teachers then they do on the other 3. However If teachers were to use a performance activity where the kids had to deal with a real life situation, like mixing hair dye to achieve a desired hair color during their chemistry class, then the students will have the chance at a more balanced form of assessment. Don’t get me wrong I believe that there are moments when paper and pen test are beneficial, I just don’t think they should be a teacher’s only form of assessment.

Now What
As a dance educator, I believe I kind of have it easier then every one else because it is very easy for me to incorporate several multiple intelligences with in my lessons.

For instance if I was doing a lesson on time I will teach them about rhythms and note values using note signs and definition signs (Musical, Logical, visual, Linguistic). then I will have them get up and I will teach them a phrase using note values (Kinesthetic). After they have gone through the phrase a few times I will have them perform it to 2 different songs, one that is slower and one that is faster. Once they perform it I will ask them to take a moment to reflect on what happened with in the 2 different pieces of music (Intrapersonal). We will then share what we noticed (Interpersonal).

As you can see at the end of this simple lesson I have hit 7 out of the 8 MI’s. I do think that on one of the first days of class that I will have them take the test we did so I can have the opportunity to see in more detail what types of intelligences I will be dealing with. As far and assessment goes I kind of know how to asses them, however I think it will be nice to be able to focus on that in a little more detail so I can be able to implicate various styles of assessment.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hidden Assignment

List 2-3 specific goals you have for this course.
1. I want to be able to understand basic psychological theories.
2. I want to feel more comfortable about teaching on my own in a classroom.
3. I want to know more strategies I can use in order to manage my classroom.

Describe your weekly preparation plan. Be specific. What will you do each day of the week to prepare for this course.
1. First I will feel out the What, so what, now what, right after class so I can summarize what we talked about while it is still fresh in my mind to refer back to later in the week.
2. Then on Thursday I plan on reading the chapter for the next class.
3. Next on Saturday I want to review my what, so what, now what and my study guide in order to brush up on what we learned the previous week and what we are going to talk about this upcoming class.

Outline the study strategies that you will use to understand the material.
1. The form I find the most helpful when learning something new is by first glancing or familiarizing myself with the new material. Then I start to read. While I am reading I like to try visualizing myself in that situation and if I can’t visualizing I try acting it out. If there are no moments for me to visualize then I have to imagine myself teaching this subject to some one else as I review what the book said out loud. I also find that if I don’t know what one word is that I have to look it up or else my mind can’t focus on the rest of it. Then after I have reviewed it either through imagery or through verbalization I try to write it down a summary in my own words to come back and review another day.

Explain the process you will follow if you do not understand a topic.
If a topic is foreign to me I liked to search for information about it on because they seem to have the most reliable information. I also like to use them because they offer pictures and simple definitions so I don’t have to search through millions of sites to find what I am looking for. Then if I am still iffy on the topic then I ask people around me about it.

Complete the following statement:
I will reach my goals in this course by Staying on task and by not procrastinating my home work.

Motivation Blog

I am a student firstly because I believe that education is important. I attend this school because I believe there are great teachers here who believe that education is not just about the grade but what you are able to learn. I am becoming a teacher because I believe that being a teacher is one of the hardest jobs which can be the most rewarding if approached correctly.
I always love to face a challenge, so when I was presented with the opportunity of challenging young adults and being challenged by them I became intrigued and have been hooked on the idea of teaching ever since. I am also highly motivated be setting goals for myself them and then trying to achieve them.
I succeed because I am a very determined person who is very good about putting her mind on a goal and achieving it.
However, I sometimes fail because I procrastinate achieving a goal and am not able to meet the deadline.
For this class the main thing I need to change in order to succeed in this class is to schedule my study times so I am not rushing to study or get an assignment done at the last minute.

Web Quset Final Reflection


I have learned that there are tow different types of research the first is where you observe something happening in its own natural environment, and the second is where you change something with in you experiments. An advantage to using Descriptive research is that you are able to see a situation for what it is. Then if you use correlational research you are able to achieve a more detailed experiment because you are looking at one thing with in the basic situation. On the flip side when you look at Experimental or Action research you are able to manipulate the situation to achieve a desired out come. On top of manipulating an experiment Action research also allows you to manipulate your classroom or school so you can see the immediate results of your research.

So What?

Although this information is interesting, it is also beneficial because it allows you to understand that even though one form of research might be useful in one area doesn’t mean that it is the best type of research to use in every area. Like with the maps of Utah we looked at in class, each map contains different information, for example one map contained all counties but didn’t include the roads so some one who wanted to drive from Salt Lake to Beaver wouldn’t know which road to follow. Like wise if I wanted detailed information about what I could change in my class to improve their comprehension of a movement phrase I wouldn’t use the Descriptive research method.

Now What?

Although I now understand those four styles of research I know that there are tons more styles that I am not familiar with. I also know that if I were to implement Active research with in my class room that I would have to find out more about the policies in the school I work at so I don’t cross a line that shouldn’t be crossed. I do however, believe that reviewing my lessons after each class to see how various activities where received is definitely expectable and beneficial. Especially whole I am still knew and trying to figure out a good flow in which I am able to keep my class interested while still teaching my standards and objectives.