
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Learning Log 4

Because we are all different people we have different experiences which create our prior knowledge and beliefs that we use when we approach new situations. These different beliefs are an important thing to consider when creating lessons for your class because we need to meet their needs while still being respectful of their cultural beliefs they might have. It is also important that you treat everyone with equity so you can have a respectful classroom.

So What
As a teacher I will have the opportunity to many different students with all different types of cultures and beliefs. If I don’t take the time to find out a little bit about those students, then they may withdraw from the class. By taking the time to understand your students you can help improve their learning ability and overall interest in the class.

Now What
In my class room I want my students to feel comfortable and supported so we can have a creative learning environment. In order to achieve this I will get to know my students with their interests, their cultural diversity, and their achievements. I will ask for their opinions and I will respect their responses. I know that their might come a time when I might have a students whose cultural background I am not familiar with. When that time comes I will educate myself about the culture in which the students have grown up so I can build upon their cultural backgrounds.

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