
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ch 3 Social and Moral Development

This chapter mainly deals with the development of humans and how their Social interaction reflects that. Another thing this chapter addresses is how the self relates to other and vice versa. For instance it talks about how their beliefs influence your cliques and depending on what clique you are in can influence your self esteem. One topic I found helpful was the topic of mixing Cliques so we can create a friendlier environment. We also talked about Erikson 8 stages including; Trust v. Mistrust, Autonomy v. Doubt, Initiative v. Guilt, Industry v. Inferiority, Identity v. Role Confusion, Intimacy v. Isolation, Generativity v. Stagnation, and Integrity v Despair. Some other theorist we discussed was Kohlberg’s theories on moral development and Gilligan’s Criticisms on boys v. girls.

So What
By understanding some of the factors that will influence their social interaction with class mates and how they develop their moral s I can adjust my lesson plans to help them develop into good siticins. Although I can’t make decisions for them, I can help them know their options and possible consequences of their options so they can make the best possible choice for themselves. I also understand that if I set high expectations then they will strive to meet them where as if I set low ones they will believe that I don’t think they are good enough.

Now What
Some factors that would influence their moral development include religion, family relationships, their environment, and their sense of self. Although I may not be able to change these factors I can set a good example for them in the way that I act and do things. Not only can I be an example but I can also talk about other role models, like Twyla Thwarp or Dee, who can be good examples as well. I can also set up moral rules with in my classroom, like Constructive comments only. I can also make sure that they aren’t tempted to steal by having them put their stuff in their lockers while in class. Another thing I can do is encourage my students to participate in various service activities, such as the food drive or sub for Santa. In order to promote interaction among cliques, first I would create an environment where everyone felt like they were equally important to the class by using positive feedback. Then I would encourage students to form new friends by splitting them up in groups that don’t consist of their typical cliques. Once they are in new groups I will give them task that force them to break their boundaries and work with the other students, such as by playing positive negative space.

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